You only need to be flexible in your mind to do yoga. Yoga is more than the asana, the postures/poses. It isn't about doing the perfect posture, but coming to your mat and finding a safe place to release your worries, fears and discover the best version of you - which is the light being that you are - peaceful and bright.

I teach from an intuitive space. We work beyond the asanas, the poses, and into other areas such as the breathwork, meditation, energy centers and the eight limbs of yoga.

Since 2020, I’ve moved deeper into offering more meditation practices such as iRest meditation and sound healing. I like to offer these practices in unique settings outside of a typical yoga studio so the practice becomes more accessible to those that may feel intimidated or uncomfortable in a formal yoga studio setting. If you’re a small business or corporation and would like to offer your employees an experience of sound healing, yin yoga or meditation or a combination of these, please reach out to Marie, 231.206.1133 or


Yin Yoga is a magical practice, where the poses are held for an extended period of time, creating a long, slow extension of the body, unwinding of compacted fascia, and unknotting and releasing of muscles. The practice allows the body to drop down into the parasympathetic nervous system and therefore becomes a deeply healing and nourishing practice. Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to any dynamic and muscular exercise. It is a slower-paced, mainly performed on the floor where the poses (asanas) are held for a long period of time (typically three to five minutes or longer) to target the connective tissues (such as the ligaments) and joints of the body rather than focusing on the muscles. As a result, the asanas are more passive holds, with little muscular engagement that lends itself to a deep, meditative environment. Yin creates flexibility, mindfulness, and softness through longer holds of postures meant to dig into the deeper, denser tissues of the body -- the joints and connective tissues. Often practitioners will be assisted with props such as blocks, blankets, straps, or bolsters to help encourage enough comfort and softness in the external body so that the connective tissue can begin to release.

Benefits of yoga

Yoga encompasses not only the physical movement but also the breathwork, meditation and understanding our energy centers to bring a union among the mind, body and spirit. Or, more simply put, yoga can help you relax, improve circulation, strengthen your muscles, reduce stress and gain energy. When your body, mind and spirit are aligned, you function better as a whole. Regular yoga practice can truly change your life.