Here's the new online 6 week series for yin yoga and meditation!
Tuesday Morning 8 - 8:30 am EST Meditation series $40
This series will explore the ten step protocol of iRest meditation.
Tuesday Evening 7:30 - 8:45 pm EST Yin series $60.
Yin Yoga 6 week series with one Akashic Record question answered privately each week and exploring the ten step protocol of iRest meditation.
Both series are from June 1 - July 6. [5 paying participants per series for each series to be held.]
You can sign up for one series or both! Both series are best listened to with headphones but not necessary. Let me know if you have any questions.
Both of the series will have a recording of the live session available for the entire 6 week series (and one week after the last class to allow to view the last sessions for one week)
The two separate Zoom links will be sent once payment is received before Monday May 31, 2021.
Payment can be made via Venmo @Blue68 (you'll see a pic of me with a black hat on). If you’d prefer to pay another way, just reach out to me!