January 31 is the last class of this series. New series starts up again in February at a new location, International Wellness Partners in Spring Lake MI.
This is your invitation to a vibrant multi-sensory yoga experience. Walk through the door and into a sanctuary where your body, mind and spirit will be uplifted and renewed. This holistic approach blends yin poses with music, essential oils, Breathwork, meditation, sound therapy and Holy Fire Reiki. These elements are richly woven into 90 minutes designed to activate Prana - life-force energy, restore balance and awaken a deeper connection to yourself and your body.
After class enjoy a complimentary beverage provided by 4 Corners Cafe! Relax in the cafe, savoring the peace & tranquility you created within yourself.
Cost: Drop in class $15 a class (cash only) or pre-pay for 4 sessions, $48. No refunds or exchanges.
When: Jan 10 - Jan 31, 2020, 4 classes.
What to bring: Yoga mat, couple of blankets, and pillows or blocks to prop. Eye-pillow and yoga blocks are optional. You will be seated on the wood floor, so the more padding the better.
Yin yoga is a magical practice, where the poses are held for an extended period of time, creating a long slow extension of the body, unwinding of compacted fascia, and unknowing and releasing of muscles. The practice allows the body to drop down into the parasympathetic nervous system and therefore becomes a deeply healing and nourishing practice. It is grounding, calming and revitalizing, with profound physical, energetic and emotional affects. It is perfect for a beginner to advanced yoga student. Yin is mainly done seated on the floor.